Sunday 22 September 2024




Shout To The Lord 

Darlene Zschech

Vocal: Cathy Yi

Keybord: Paul Yoon, Hayoung Jeong

Bass: Daniel Park

A Guitar: David Kim, Jay Yi, Sam Kim

E Guitar: James JB Kim, Josh Libbey

Drum: Sam Ha, Daniel Chun


My Jesus, my Saviour

Lord there is none like You

All of my days I want to praise

The wonders of Your mighty love


My comfort, my shelter

Tower of refuge and strength

Let every breath, all that I am

Never cease to worship You


                                                                  Shout to the Lord all the Earth, let us sing

                                                                  Power and majesty, praise to the King

                                                                  Mountains bow down and the seas will roar

                                                                  At the sound of Your name


                                                                  I sing for joy at the work of Your hands

                                                                  Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand

                                                                  Nothing compares to the promise I have

                                                                  In You


My Jesus, my Saviour

Lord there is none like You

All of my days I want to praise

The wonders of Your mighty love


My comfort, my shelter

Tower of refuge and strength

Let every breath, all that I am

Never cease to worship You


                                                                  Shout to the Lord all the Earth, let us sing

                                                                  Power and majesty, praise to the King

                                                                  Mountains bow down and the seas will roar

                                                                  At the sound of Your name


                                                                  I sing for joy at the work of Your hands

                                                                  Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand

                                                                  Nothing compares to the promise I have

                                                                  In You


                                                                  Shout to the Lord all the Earth, let us sing

                                                                  Power and majesty, praise to the King

                                                                  Mountains bow down and the seas will roar

                                                                  At the sound of Your name


                                                                  I sing for joy at the work of Your hands

                                                                  Forever I'll love You, forever I'll stand

                                                                  Nothing compares to the promise I have

                                                                  In You




Dear Lord…… I beseech Thee to extend Your healing hands upon those afflicted with the novel variant virus. May Your divine touch bring swift recovery to all who suffer, including those enduring post-COVID-19 sequelae. Preserve us, Lord, from the spread of this global epidemic, and grant us the grace to overcome this trial.


Dear Lord…… I pray that the world may come to understand that "dark politics" holds no power to bring true happiness. Regardless of skin color, nationality, or gender, may we see the world as a unified family. We are all Your creations, sharing this earth. Teach us to respect and assist one another, to love others as ourselves, and to work together to create a beautiful world.


Dear Lord…… I pray that You will continue to safeguard and bless Hong Kong. Shower Your grace and mercy upon this city and assist the disadvantaged communities. Protect the economies of Hong Kong, China, and the world, so that everyone may live in peace and contentment, with happy homes. May everyone experience Your love and miracles, setting aside differences and hatred, and learning to respect one another.


Dear Lord….. I pray for Your blessings upon every person and creature on this earth. Grant health, nourishment, and success in their endeavors. Provide security in old age, harmonious and lasting marriages, and loving relationships. For those who are single, bring suitable partners to share their lives. May all beings grow in wisdom and love each day. Heal the disabled and the sick, grant respect to the elderly, and provide good jobs to the unemployed. Bless children with dedicated and virtuous teachers, and guide those lost in life towards the right path and comfort. Thank You, Lord, for Your endless grace.


Dear Lord….. I pray that You will continue to safeguard the epidemic situation in Hong Kong, China, and the world. Grant strength and wisdom to medical staff, governments, and the World Health Organization, and protect the recovery of patients.


Dear Lord….. I pray for Your protection against natural and man-made disasters: floods, fires, storms, droughts, earthquakes, locust plagues, epidemics, tsunamis, wars, and economic crises. Lead Your people out of darkness and into Your light.


Dear Lord….. I pray for world peace and the awakening of humanity. May we cherish the earth’s resources, protect the natural ecological environment, and reduce pollution. Let us be stewards of Your creation, caring for the world You have entrusted to us.


Dear Lord….. I pray for the physical and mental health of all colleagues. Uplift their morale and drive away any negative energy that may burden them. Fill their hearts with Your love and strength, so they may carry out their duties with joy and dedication.


Dear Lord….. I pray for the people of Hong Kong, especially the elderly, middle-aged, and youth. Help them to cherish life and resist the despair that leads to thoughts of suicide. Surround them with Your love and support, giving them hope and purpose.


Dear Lord….. I pray for the security of Hong Kong. In the face of rising fraud cases, grant divine wisdom and mercy to the Hong Kong police. Enable them to protect the basic safety of life and property for all citizens. May there be harmony between the police and the community, working together to combat crime and ensure peace.


Dear Lord….. I pray for the healthy development and growth of the global economy. May everyone have a job and food to eat. Let prosperity be shared among all, and let no one suffer from want. Thank You, Lord, for Your endless compassion and care.


Thank You, Lord… Thank You…

Sunday 15 September 2024












感謝主…… 在這個背景下,讓我們在《射鵰英雄傳》的主題曲《鐵血丹心》中,感受那段江湖情,一生英雄夢。郭靖,作為武俠世界中的愛國英雄,他的成長之路充滿挑戰與磨難。他的故事不僅展現了堅持與努力的力量,更深刻地體現了家國情懷。











鐵血丹心 - 無綫電視劇《射雕英雄傳之鐵血丹心2024



: 譚輝智 x Janees黃洛妍




                                                 逐草四方沙漠蒼茫(冷風吹 天蒼蒼)
                                                 那懼雪霜撲面(藤樹 相連)
                                                 射雕引弓塞外奔馳(猛風沙 野茫茫)




親愛的主…… 求您繼續親自醫治受感染新型變種病毒的人……以及保守全世界的疫情……願他們能夠早日康服(包括: 新冠後遺症)……


親愛的主………  求主讓世界明白「黑暗的政治」是無助令全世界得到幸福…… 不論是甚麼膚色、不論是甚麼國籍、不論是甚麼性別……世界是大同世界…… 大家都是地球上的生物……需要彼此互相尊重….. 互相幫助…… 愛人如己……才能夠創造美好的世界……


親愛的主……… 求主您繼續保守及祝福香港…… 求主您繼續施恩憐憫香港……求主您繼續幫忙弱勢社群……… 求主您繼續保守香港中國及世界的經濟 人人都可以安居樂業...... 有幸福的「家」.......人人都可以去經歷主您的「愛」與「奇跡」……… 人人都能夠放下彼此分歧…… 放下彼此仇恨....... 互相尊重....... 


親愛的主……… 求主繼續幫助及祝福世界每一個人及地球上所有生物身體健康、衣食豐足、事業順利、老有所依、夫妻百年好合和順、有情人能終成眷屬、仍在長期單身的人能夠找到合適的伴侶幸福美滿在一起不再感到孤單、眾生能夠每天福慧和愛心不斷增長、殘疾與病人能夠得到醫治、老年人晚年能得到人的尊重、失業的人能夠獲取合適美好的工作、小朋友能夠遇上有才德的老師悉心教導、在生命路上仍在迷失的眾生能夠找到正確的指引及安慰……感謝主……謝謝您……


求主繼續保守香港中國及世界的疫情……求主繼續加給力量與智慧給醫護人員及政府及聯合國世界衛生組織…… 以及繼續保守病人能夠早日康復……


求主繼續保守世界「水災」、「火災」、「風災」、「旱災」、「地震」、「蝗災」、「疫症」、「海嘯」、「戰爭」、「人禍」、「糧食短缺」、「火山爆發」、「核輻射大災難」、「互聯網中斷大災難」、「經濟大災難」……求主繼續親自保護您的子民…… 親自帶領您的子民走出黑暗……


求主繼續保守世間所有生物及祈求世界和平…… 讓人類覺醒以行動珍惜地球資源、保護大自然的生態環境和減少地球上的污染.........


求主繼續保守所有同事的身、心靈健康、士氣及驅走身上的負能量……  謝謝您……


求主繼續保守所有香港(包括: 老年人、中年人、青年人)珍惜生命........ 不要做出自殺行為的傻事........


求主繼續保守香港的治安(例如: 騙案急劇增加)........ 求主憐憫加力及賜下屬神的智慧給香港警察....... 能夠有能力保護香港市民最基本的生命財產安全....... 能夠警民共融一起打擊香港罪案的發生.........


求主繼續保守全球經濟能夠健康發展成長人人都有工開有飯食......... 感謝主..... 謝謝您...... 

Wednesday 11 September 2024


感謝主~~ 2024911日,美國將迎來一場備受矚目的辯論,民主黨賀錦麗與共和黨川普將就如何振興美國經濟展開激烈的討論。這不僅是一場智慧與策略的較量,更是兩位候選人對國家未來願景的展現。


感謝主~~ 在這個全球化的時代,任何國家的經濟都無法孤立發展。美國的未來領導者若能以開放與尊重的態度對待中國,恢復並加強兩國之間的經貿往來,那麼不僅美國中國乃至全世界的經濟都將受益。


感謝主~~ 然而,我們也必須清醒地認識到,人類正面臨著前所未有的挑戰。災難的陰影似乎在不斷逼近,這是我們共同的宿命。在這樣的時刻,我們更應該放下偏見與仇恨,團結一致,共同守護我們唯一的家園——地球。我們的目標不應是分割與競爭,而應是合作與共贏。














感謝主~~ 最後為大家送上詩歌 總有一天請大家細心欣賞。謝謝大家。



詩歌: 總有一天




編曲:John Laudon




















                                                            同途上 帶著愛緊守方向





                                                            沿路上 竭盡我生命熱誠



                                                            求能可 傳遞這份愛




親愛的主…… 求您繼續親自醫治受感染新型變種病毒的人……以及保守全世界的疫情……願他們能夠早日康服(包括: 新冠後遺症)……


親愛的主………  求主讓世界明白「黑暗的政治」是無助令全世界得到幸福…… 不論是甚麼膚色、不論是甚麼國籍、不論是甚麼性別……世界是大同世界…… 大家都是地球上的生物……需要彼此互相尊重….. 互相幫助…… 愛人如己……才能夠創造美好的世界……


親愛的主……… 求主您繼續保守及祝福香港…… 求主您繼續施恩憐憫香港……求主您繼續幫忙弱勢社群……… 求主您繼續保守香港中國及世界的經濟 人人都可以安居樂業...... 有幸福的「家」.......人人都可以去經歷主您的「愛」與「奇跡」……… 人人都能夠放下彼此分歧…… 放下彼此仇恨....... 互相尊重....... 


親愛的主……… 求主繼續幫助及祝福世界每一個人及地球上所有生物身體健康、衣食豐足、事業順利、老有所依、夫妻百年好合和順、有情人能終成眷屬、仍在長期單身的人能夠找到合適的伴侶幸福美滿在一起不再感到孤單、眾生能夠每天福慧和愛心不斷增長、殘疾與病人能夠得到醫治、老年人晚年能得到人的尊重、失業的人能夠獲取合適美好的工作、小朋友能夠遇上有才德的老師悉心教導、在生命路上仍在迷失的眾生能夠找到正確的指引及安慰……感謝主……謝謝您……


求主繼續保守香港中國及世界的疫情……求主繼續加給力量與智慧給醫護人員及政府及聯合國世界衛生組織…… 以及繼續保守病人能夠早日康復……


求主繼續保守世界「水災」、「火災」、「風災」、「旱災」、「地震」、「蝗災」、「疫症」、「海嘯」、「戰爭」、「人禍」、「糧食短缺」、「火山爆發」、「核輻射大災難」、「互聯網中斷大災難」、「經濟大災難」……求主繼續親自保護您的子民…… 親自帶領您的子民走出黑暗……


求主繼續保守世間所有生物及祈求世界和平…… 讓人類覺醒以行動珍惜地球資源、保護大自然的生態環境和減少地球上的污染.........


求主繼續保守所有同事的身、心靈健康、士氣及驅走身上的負能量……  謝謝您……


求主繼續保守所有香港(包括: 老年人、中年人、青年人)珍惜生命........ 不要做出自殺行為的傻事........


求主繼續保守香港的治安(例如: 騙案急劇增加)........ 求主憐憫加力及賜下屬神的智慧給香港警察....... 能夠有能力保護香港市民最基本的生命財產安全....... 能夠警民共融一起打擊香港罪案的發生.........


求主繼續保守全球經濟能夠健康發展成長人人都有工開有飯食......... 感謝主..... 謝謝您......